By Dr. Ulrich Berk from Germany In Agriculture, there are three helpers from the animal kingdom. First helper is the cow. Without cows Organic Farming is difficult and Homa Organic Farming is not possible. Then we have the bees and the earthworms. About cows we already have talked, so let us now concentrate on the role of bees in agriculture and all Nature. Of course honey bees are important for producing honey which is a very nutritious substance which also has a lot of healing applications. Even more important though is the role of bees in pollination. About three-quarters of our crops are pollinated by bees and other insects and these crops would produce fewer flowers and fruits without this pollination. Around one third of our food crops would produce significantly less or no food at all without pollination. Bees are the most important pollinators. Especially in the last decade honey bees were dying on a mass scale in all parts of the world. Reasons are not scientifically clearly examined, but most likely it is a combination of different factors like monoculture, pesticides, varroa mite, ecological stress (e.g. because of climate change), loss of natural habitats (especially for the wild bees). In agricultural areas where Homa Therapy is applied, a healthy and pure atmosphere is created, quite favorable as a habitat for bees. Bees adapt easily in a Homa environment and they can develop without attack of pathogenic agents. They have a lot of food available, due to the continuous flowering of the crops, with a high content of nectar and propolis achieved through the effect of Homa Therapy and the Agnihotra ash. This makes the whole Homa area a highly favourable place. Add to this the availability of clean water and the healing energy generated by the Homa fires. The work of the Homa farmer is complemented by the work of the bees. They contribute to agriculture with the pollination of fruit crops, horticulture, in forestry in general and also to cattle and dairy farming by pollinating the pastures. They also produce honey-combs containing high quality honey, pollen, wax, propolis and royal jelly, categorized as food and medicine through the Homa Therapy effects. The Homa farmer and the bees work together with nature, the bees doing their prodigious work to aid the preservation of the plant kingdom. Honey bees in Homa Atmosphere Rory Maher, a longtime resident of Bhrugu Aranya, an Ecovillage and HT Centre in southern Poland, made the following observations on beekeeping in the Homa Atmosphere of this place:

„Homa Beekeeping offers a solution to the tragic decline of the honey bee around the world. In Homa beekeeping, there is a major emphasis on healing the environment by using the ancient Vedic science of bio-resonance, known as Homa Therapy. We are therefore able to create the perfect landscape for bees to thrive. We have observed that Homa bees have strong immune systems. This is due to various reasons. Firstly, the healing effects of Agnihotra on the environment means bees are able to forage from high quality flowers and trees free of harmful substances. Normally bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers which are toxic due to the use of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides in conventional farming. This, combined with atmospheric pollution, weakens the bees’ immune systems, leaving them susceptible to diseases. Tests on wax comb are further showing higher levels of agrochemical build up in the wax caused by foraging bees bringing in contaminated pollen and nectar. This creates an unhealthy environment within the hive and disrupts the beneficial microbe balance that bees need for optimum health. This may also explain the increasing number of queen losses beekeepers have been experiencing in recent years. Not so in Homa Atmosphere. Secondly, scientific tests have shown that Agnihotra reduces the levels of pathogenic bacteria in the vicinity. This means there is a lower incidence of bee diseases and plagues. So, just by performing Agnihotra near bee hives, they become stronger and more efficient. In addition, the healing vibration of the Agnihotra fire becomes locked in the resultant ash. In Homa Beekeeping, this ash can be sprinkled around the beehives and entrances. Agnihotra ash can also be added to sources of water where bees drink. The ash and the vibrations created by Agnihotra fire have an energizing effect on the bees, making them strong and resistant to any disease that might occur.

In Homa Beekeeping only natural treatments are allowed and no chemicals should be used in the landscape or within the hive. Even if bees forage from areas where conventional farming methods are used, the creation of a Homa atmosphere and use of Agnihotra ash can strengthen bees and neutralize the negative effects of agrochemicals. Homa Therapy applications can also help reduce Varroa mite populations that have been decimating bee colonies in Europe and the Americas. Many conventional beekeepers have experienced low honey harvest yields because flowers are not producing nectar as in previous years. This is probably due to pollution that disrupts the delicate balance of nature. In a Homa atmosphere nature becomes rejuvenated and flowers produce plentiful nectar, leading to bountiful harvests. In Homa beekeeping we are able to harvest high quality medicinal honey, propolis, and beeswax, free of contaminants. The honey bee also has a remarkable effect on the productivity of vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs. Homa Beekeeping promotes organic and bee-friendly practices that reduce stress on the bees and support as much as possible the natural tendencies of the hive.“

Wild bees in Homa Atmosphere Besides honey bees also other insects are doing the work of pollination. Most important are bumblebees and wild bees. Wild bees are an indicator of healthy environment as they choose the place where to settle down. Very astonishing to see that at the Homa Farm Tapovan in India (near Dhule, Maharashtra, India) on an area of just 6 hectares more than 25 natural hives of wild bees can be found!

Nobody ever brought them to the farm. They are attracted by the lush green gardens, many trees and flowers, all over the farm, providing an ideal environment for them to live. Bruce Johnson from Tapovan sent these photos showing Wild Bees which settled down in Tapovan to create their hives in the trees and produce good Homa honey. Bees in Homa Atmosphere – what does ancient Vedic Knowledge say? A challenge for modern science So far we reported about experience of bees in Homa Atmosphere. Scientific examination of these places – including analysis of honey, wax, and bees’ health – are in the planning stage. Next step will be to have bees from same origin and place them partly in Homa Atmosphere, partly in some other place away from Homa but otherwise in similar conditions, and then check quantity and quality of honey production, health of bees, growth of the beehives, etc. Such studies will give an overview of how Homa Farming techniques can help to restore health of bees – and thus help in bringing Nature back to Harmony. More interesting studies for apiculture scientists could happen if they would look into what Vedic Knowledge says about bees in Homa Atmosphere: „Inborn in the honey bee are certain hormones that are produced solely in YAJNYA atmosphere. This subject is foreign to anything science has encountered so far in this respect. These hormones help the nutritional levels yielded in vegetables and fruits to yield at much increased rates. Bees are attracted to HOMA atmosphere as the amount of energy they receive from Agnihotra fire helps them perform at a greater level of efficiency. When this is translated to pollination, they can help to increase the yield of crops. This is especially true with corn, tomatoes, berries, fruit and the like.“ (Vasant V. Paranjpe, Homa Therapy – Our Last Chance, Madison VA 1989, p. 39) „Drone bees begin to change their sex within the hive. When this takes place they excrete a hormone which is extremely medicinal and can help cure many diseases. Long ago, bees produced this same substance which is described in the Vedas but those insects became extinct due to pollution and nonperformance of YAJNYA. This mutation in the genealogical structure of bees takes place only in YAJNYA atmosphere. Bees bearing this mutation thrive only in YAJNYA atmosphere.“ (Vasant V. Paranjpe, Homa Therapy – Our Last Chance, Madison VA 1989, p. 25) That sounds like science fiction – still worthwhile to test, and if these statements can be validated by research of modern science it would show which profound effect Homa Therapy has on how Nature works if we take good care of her.