Homa Organic Beekeeping
Homa Beekeeping offers a solution to the tragic decline of the honey bee around the world. In Homa beekeeping, there is a major emphasis on healing the environment by using the ancient Vedic science of bio-resonance, known as Homa Therapy. We are therefore able to create the perfect landscape for bees to thrive.
We have observed that Homa bees have strong immune systems. This is due to various reasons. Firstly, the healing effects of Agnihotra on the environment means bees are able to forage from high quality flowers and trees free of harmful substances. Bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers and these can become toxic due to the use of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides in conventional farming. This, combined with atmospheric pollution, weakens the bees’ immune systems, leaving them susceptible to diseases.
Tests on wax comb are further showing higher levels of agrochemical build up in the wax caused by foraging bees bringing in contaminated pollen and nectar. This creates an unhealthy environment within the hive and disrupts the beneficial microbe balance that bees need for optimum health. This may also explain the increasing number of queen losses beekeepers have been experiencing in recent years.
Secondly, scientific tests have shown that Agnihotra reduces the levels of pathogenic bacteria in the vicinity. This means there is a lower incidence of bee diseases and plagues. So, just by performing Agnihotra near bee hives, they become stronger and more efficient.
In addition, the healing vibration of the Agnihotra fire becomes locked in the resultant ash. In Homa Beekeeping, this ash can be sprinkled around the beehives and entrances. Agnihotra ash can also be added to sources of water where bees drink. The ash and the vibrations created by Agnihotra fire have an energizing effect on the bees, making them strong and resistant to any disease that might occur.
In Homa Beekeeping only natural treatments are allowed and no chemicals should be used in the landscape or within the hive. Even if bees forage from areas where conventional farming methods are used, the creation of a Homa atmosphere and use of Agnihotra ash can strengthen bees and neutralize the negative effects of agrochemicals.
Homa Therapy applications can also help reduce Varroa mite populations that have been decimating bee colonies in Europe and the Americas.
Many conventional beekeepers have experienced low honey harvest yields because flowers are not producing nectar as in previous years. This is probably due to pollution that disrupts the delicate balance of nature. In a Homa atmosphere nature becomes rejuvenated and flowers produce plentiful nectar, leading to bountiful harvests.
In Homa beekeeping we are able to harvest high quality medicinal honey, propolis, and beeswax, free of contaminants. The honey bee also has a remarkable effect on the productivity of vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs.
There is some interesting information that comes from ancient Vedic wisdom:
- Inborn in the honeybee are certain hormones that are produced solely in Homa atmosphere. This subject is foreign to anything science has encountered so far in this respect. These hormones help the nutritional levels in vegetables and fruits to yield at much increased rates.
- Usually drone bees do not work. However in an area where Homa Therapy is applied, the drones begin to work like the worker bees, contributing to honey production. This special phenomenon occurs only through the effect of Homa Therapy.
Homa Beekeeping promotes organic and bee-friendly practices that reduce stress on the bees and support as much as possible the natural tendencies of the hive.

In Homa beekeeping we are able to harvest high quality medicinal honey, propolis, and beeswax, free of contaminants. The honey bee also has a remarkable effect on the productivity of vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs.
There is some interesting information that comes from ancient Vedic wisdom:
- Inborn in the honeybee are certain hormones that are produced solely in Homa atmosphere. This subject is foreign to anything science has encountered so far in this respect. These hormones help the nutritional levels in vegetables and fruits to yield at much increased rates.
- Usually drone bees do not work. However in an area where Homa Therapy is applied, the drones begin to work like the worker bees, contributing to honey production. This special phenomenon occurs only through the effect of Homa Therapy.
Homa Beekeeping promotes organic and bee-friendly practices that reduce stress on the bees and support as much as possible the natural tendencies of the hive.