Summer Activities in Bhrugu Aranya

Daily Sunrise & Sunset Agnihotra 

Agnihotra is a healing fire from the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere. The beneficial effects of Agnihotra help to reduce stress, improve overall health and give one increased energy.

Daily Healing Circle

Every day at 12:00 noon sending prayers for healing and rejuvenation of spirit, accompanied by healing fire and Gayatri Mantra.

 Agnihotra lessons 

Free practical instruction and experience of AGNIHOTRA, ancient Ayurvedic healing fire with a Homa Therapy teacher. We invite you to come experience the calming effects of this fire.

Om Tryambakam Yajnya Fire

Healing Fire with continuous mantra Om Tryambakam. This fire is performed in our Ecovillage daily (3 hours morning, 2 hours evening).

 Sunday Satsang 

Every Sunday at 12:00 noon our community gathers with fire, chanting mantras, singing or reading inspirational text.

 Potluck Lunches 

Our community hosts a ‘feast’ usually on a Sunday. Depending on weather. Must call ahead to join us. Cost 40 zl.

Full Moon & New Moon 24-hour Yajnya

At the high energy times of New Moon and Full Moon, we welcome you to participate in 24-hour continual Tryambakam Yajnya healing fire.

See the Moon Calendar

Women’s Circle  

Every Thursday women gather for Healing Circles with Crystal bowls and Ayurvedic fire ● Singing ● Dancing ● Mandala Drawing ● Tea Ceremony ● Sharing our wisdom

Open Days  

Tour our ecovillage, enjoy vegetarian/vegan lunch feast, music, crystal bowls sound healing, experience sunset Agnihotra.


Stress Reduction Weekend

with Agnihotra

July 8-9 and August 12-13

Release Stress • Experience healing atmosphere • Learn the ancient Vedic healing tool of Agnihotra • Practice breath meditation • Find your voice • Art Therapy with Mandala DrawinG • Forest Bath • Nurture yourself with Organic, Gourmet Vegetarian food